Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Feelin Shy

I didn't realize I had the "moderate comments" thing on Constance the First and Super. Here I was thinking no one loved me.

I guess I really don't have as much to bitch about as I thought. OR I'm not as comfortable here as I should be. Do ya'll feel like that? I am a little nervous to just let it all hang out, shall I say? I don't know if I'll shock people with what I have to say and with who I'll be here. Am I really a huge monster deep down? A sex fiend? A cursing idiot with an attitude, shopping addiction and insecurity. It is what it is though.

Bo is so totally adorable lately. He smells so good and is being the best snuggler. He is so cute with his funny questions about a baby and pregnancy. I just hope we don't have to wait too long for that. I'm sick of hearing about young girls and their accidental pregnancies or dealing with people like the one I deal with who has kids and treats them poorly. That is for another day. And I want to smoke. I'm not going to but I want to...


Constance the Super said...

I was wondering what happened to a comment I made on an earlier post. I was wondering if the moderator had deemed it unworthy. So, just so you know that you're not the only one feeling uncertain.

Let it all out. This is the place! And I figure that if I don't like what I read, I move on. It's not like with normal friends where you already have a relationship with them and you're shocked when they tell you something. Here, you are who you are.

I hope you get pregnant very soon. I agree that it's really hard to hear about accidental pregnancies and neglected kids when fabulous people want to be parents.

Anonymous said...

I've found that the Constance blogs don't get a ton of comments---I think because it's like a Secret Society, and a lot of us aren't even admitting we're here!

And also because a lot of issues here are pretty raw, and people don't want to be giving bad advice, giving unwelcome advice, or giving advice on a topic they don't know anything about. Or at least, those are MY uncertain feelings!