Friday, May 1, 2009

Pissed Off

My brother's fiance' pisses me off a lot. I try to let her words roll off of my back because there is no need for major drama. Plus, I'm always being told that I'm too sensitive. I think that anyone would be bothered by being told

  • You sure are eating a lot more now that you are pregnant
  • You don't look pregnant, just fatter
  • If you think that I'm not excited enough about the baby, it's just because I'm not. I don't get into that kinda thing.

The last one was just a little comical to me. It wasn't as hurtful or aggravating as the others. I don't want drama between her and me or my family/brother and me. I try to just kinda stay away from her as much as I can. She is stressed out right now and I have raging hormones.

Anyway, today, I texted her to tell her that she was in my dream last night. In the dream she was pregnant. I thought that was funny so I told her. She texted back, "You are so afraid that I'll get pregnant that it's haunting your dreams :)" OK- *breathe*. That PISSED me OFF! BADLY.

I send back to her, "Why would I be afraid of you getting pregnant? Seriously." She sends me, "It was a joke. Didn't you see my smiley face?" Ummmm, the fucking smiley face means nothing to me. She obviously thinks that I would be jealous or angry if she got pregnant. That is just not true at all. I told her that I saw the smiley face but that what she said was silly. That I would be thrilled when she gets pregnant.

She didn't say anything back.

This makes me so very angry. That is not me at all to be jealous or scared of her getting pregnant. I can't wait for my brother to have a child. I would not be upset and I am not "so afraid." This really shows that she doesn't know me at all. It sucks that she has that kinda view of me.


Constance the Super said...

Ugh. That sucks!

I don't think it's so much about you being oversensitive as she has some unresolved issues. She probably doesn't even realize how absurd--and hurtful--some of these things are that she's saying. Is she insecure and unused to having people be supportive? That's what it sounds like.

I still work on this with hubby--I'm sometimes still "surprised" when he's not a jerk in certain situations where he's never been a jerk. It's about me, but it's still hurtful to him.

I think you're right to just let it go, although it would be great if someone else--an outspoken aunt?--would just say, hey, don't criticize a pregnant woman's appearance or eating habits! Don't say mean things! ((hugs))

Mrs. Dennis said...

It was a joke.
