Tuesday, June 24, 2008

With Friends Like These...

I love Karen. I really do, but I'm sick of her opinions. Mainly because I know what they are, I've heard them a thousand and one times before, I'm a quick study. I get it and I don't really care. I'm gonna do what I want to do with my life because it's MY life. I didn't ask for her opinion and so it's unsolicited. I am famous for giving advice where it's not asked but at least I'm nicer about it. Maybe that doesn't matter. Maybe I should shut up, too.

One of the reasons Karen doesn't like this particular decision though is because it will take some of my time away from her. She cannot take that. It's something she always goes insane about, not that she ever admits that point exactly. Everything that takes my time away from her she hates. It's exhausting at times.

She is not all bad. I feel guilty for portraying it like that. It's probably just because I'm a terrible person. Really, she's a great friend who doesn't like to share. I'm in a bad mood. Thank god I have this blog to vomit all my grossness out onto. Right?

Monday, June 23, 2008

New To the Building

I'm finally here. It took me forever but I'm finally here. I don't have anything to bitch and moan about right now but stick around because I will. I am not giving anyone who is related to me this address. That was a mistake! Whew!

This is a place where I am going to feel free to be me. I am "me" at the other place, too but this is another side of me. The side who cusses like a sailor (OK, that is me all the time, I just have to squash her most of the time) and talk about sex and bitch and moan about the people who piss me off.

I'm CL- C for Constance and L for the Roman Numeral for Fifty.
I'm married to a guy I'm calling Bo and we are trying for a baby.
We live a sweet little life somewhere down here in the South. It's pretty great most of the time. I still find stuff to bitch about...

(Oh, I do have something to bitch about. A girl I know is pregnant. Sigh. I don't really like her. That is why it's bitch-worthy.)